Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My intentions . . . .

It was one year ago that I launched This Way To Joy, and began posting here, on this site. Over the weekend I perused my own blog, reading back over the older posts and asking myself what it is that keeps me posting, what it is that inspires me, and even thinking back to why I even started this. I realized that I have to give credit to my sister-in-law, Jenni, who recommended a very motivational book called Making Your Dreams Come True, by Marsha Wieder. This is the book that defined my personal dreams. I honestly wasn't even sure what my dreams were until I read this book. It was literally the roadmap that led me to This Way To Joy. The author states that your beliefs "either move you forward or hold you back," and I realized that I wanted to move forward with the belief that I knew I could lift spirits and encourage others to find their own joy, and I could do it by posting inspirational messages, quotes, and words of encouragement. Honestly, nothing makes me happier. So here I am, 315 posts later, revealing my intentions. I have to admit that my posts are intended just as much for me as they are for my reader. They act as my daily reminders to do whatever I can to be a better person. Many bloggers keep track of how many hits they receive each day, but I don't have a counter on my blog, so I have no idea how many people visit me. I'm pretty sure I prefer it that way. Most days I truly believe I am the only one reading it, which keeps me posting from my heart, and prevents me from obsessing about the numbers. So, to my readers.....if This Way To Joy brings you even a sliver of happiness, an ounce of joy, inspires or motivates you in any way, my dreams have been fulfilled.

I thank you,

P.S. I do love and appreciate your comments. They make MY day, lift MY spirits, and encourage me to keep posting, so please leave them as often as you like.

"To do something, however small, to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition, the most elevating hope, which can inspire a human being."
-John Lubboc


  1. Congratulations Connie! And thank you for all your words of inspiration! x

  2. Connie - so glad you followed your dream! Your blog is a beautiful way to begin my day.

    xo Sharon

  3. Congrats Con! You are and have always been an inspiration to me. Here's to another inspiring year!

  4. Connie, I don't know You but sometimes I feel as You are my soulmate. Thank You for every single post, thank You for everything You made for me. Please, keep writing!

    PS. I think a counter would be a good idea here :)

  5. Connie:

    I visit every time I need a lift. You inspire in simple and not so simple ways, more then you will ever know. Here's to another year of making life better and more positive, one post at a time!

    Best wishes,
    Egged Devil D

  6. Thank you all so much. These comments are the very reason why I keep posting. It's simple....make someone's day a little brighter, and the rewards for me are even greater.


  7. Wow! What an inspiration and motivation you are to me. You always have been....even before reading the blog. So proud of you for putting yourself out there last night. You were the very vision of freedom and self confidence. Which way was it to Joy last night?
    Watching a beautiful lady, inside and out, experience something that she dreamed of doing and she did it with all her heart. We love you!
    Pat and Gord

  8. Pat - My goodness, you are one very sweet lady! I love you for the beautiful person you are! There has never been a day that I haven't looked at you in awe, my friend! You have & always will be an inspiration to me!!!

    xo, Connie


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .
Follow your heart
