Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Highlight of the day . . . .

I recently came across a article about a study revealing that people became gradually happier and happier over a six-month period, by simply writing down three good things that happened to them at the end of each day. When my kids were growing up, we did something very similar at the evening dinner table. We called it the "highlight of the day", and we would go around the table and take turns sharing one thing that we considered to be the best thing about our day. It allowed us to focus on the good, and to take a break from discussing our daily challenges. Yesterday, my 3 highlights were:

  • Reconnected with a friend.
  • Enjoyed a lovely dinner & conversation with my husband and my son.
  • Won a game of tennis.
You can start writing down the good things that happen. A simple, small shift of focus towards gratefulness will bring great results and you can start it today.

What was your highlight?

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