Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Inner beauty is what lasts . . . .

I am a huge fan of the Dove ads and their Campaign for Real Beauty. Their website states: "We see beauty all around us. At Dove we want to free ourselves and the next generation from the beauty stereotypes.......and it's why we continue to create thought-provoking ads, confidence-building programs and messages that embrace all definitions of beauty."
In the following article you will see the importance of offering practical advice on how to help young girls foster healthy self-esteem and avoid body dissatisfaction.

Ideas for Moms & Mentors
Whether you're a parent, guardian, sports coach or mentor, you can make a positive difference to the young people in your life. The following are some ideas and suggestions you can use in fostering healthy self-esteem in young girls. Teach children that their self-worth is not related to how they look. Emphasize their talents and qualities. Don't focus on their physical appearance. Talk to your children about self-esteem, body image and what it means to be beautiful.

Be a healthy role model for your children.
  • Don't make comments about anyone's size or weight, especially as a "joke".
  • Make sure that your child knows that you love them regardless of their size or weight.
  • Treat fat and thin, tall and short, dark and fair (etc.) children the same.
  • Build self-confidence and self-esteem through a range of activities, both physical and non-physical.
  • Build good self-esteem in all children for who they are and what they do, not how they look.
  • Feel proud of your child, regardless of their size or weight.
  • Be creative and assertive in finding the right clothing and equipment for your child.
  • Encourage healthy eating and physical activity for the entire family.
  • Don't feel guilty or ashamed if you or your child is fat.
Work toward identifying and resisting all forms of discrimination. Remember that prejudice against size and body relates to prejudice based on sex, race, sexuality, class and physical ability.

"Outer beauty is constantly changing, 
and no matter who you are, 
you won't have it forever. 
Inner beauty is what lasts." 
 -Elle S., Colorado

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