Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun or Drudgery? . . . .

Can I tell you something? I really do believe that living your dreams or following your passion, does not mean that you need to make HUGE changes in your life. There are so many ways to live a very contented life, and to be the happy person you deserve, just by enjoying what you're doing at the moment. All it takes is for you to live with intention, and to put your heart and soul into how you spend your day. Are you in an office setting, in your own little cubicle, and have no intention of leaving that job? Then I hope you don't feel a sense of dread when you step into that office. I hope you're making the most of your time there. I hope you have surrounded yourself with photo's of your loved ones and things that inspire you. And most importantly, I hope you're proud of what you do and the way you do it. If you're not happy in your job, but have no intention of leaving, then change your perception of the job! I guarantee if you are not happy doing what you're doing, then you are most likely not putting forth the best of your abilities. That's where the change needs to be made. I'm not saying you need to leave your job, I'm merely saying you need to approach it differently. When  you walk in the door the next time, walk through as if it were your first day. Remember that day? You were excited and wanted to do the best job you could do. Approach it with enthusiasm and determination. Be the best you can be. Get psyched again, and give the best of YOU. No one can ask more of you than that!  Bottom line, when you enjoy your job, you have more energy, more fun, and you look forward to Monday.

If, at this point, you still feel like you are going through the motions, if you're mentally exhausted, and no longer feel enthusiasm in how you are spending your day, then perhaps a change of pace is just what you need.

"Work is either fun or drudgery. 
It depends on your attitude. 
I like fun."
-Colleen C. Barrett

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Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .
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