Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To thine own self be true . . . .

No one can ever know like you do what your dreams are in life....what you aspire to do. No one else can know what fulfills you or what drives you; and no one except you can know what potentials & talents lie dormant inside you. If you feel that you're so far off track that you have no idea who the real you is or what your greatest potentials are, then you're probably asking one of the most asked questions of all time. "What should I be doing with my life?"

Here are a couple thoughts from the book Infinite Possibilities that will help anyone get back on track.....

1) Be yourself. It doesn't matter what "hat" you wear as long as you're you. And by being your real self - true to yourself - you'll automatically be led by your own inclinations and impulses to the roles that will please you most at any given point in your life.
2) Deal with what's on your plate. Embrace your current situation for what it is, and for as long as you remain there, be your best and shine like there's no tomorrow. Don't fight it or you'll create such an attachment with your negative thoughts and feelings that you'll anchor yourself in place! Instead, accept it, go with the flow, approve of yourself, and understand its worth and value, and you will rise above anything unpleasant you may now be facing, releasing yourself from the past and the grip your resistance has had on your present circumstances.
3) Follow the fun. This advice may sound irresponsible to some, but it's probably the most responsible thing you can do. Whether or not you feel lost, always follow the fun. That doesn't mean that life should be one nonstop party. Some of the greatest fun can come from the satisfaction of a job well done, like being a good parent or spouse, or growing a flourishing garden. Almost anything can be fun with the proper perspective. You know what gives you peace and fulfillment--you remember the kind of things you liked as a kid--and in this regard you probably haven't changed much. Think back to those times. Scan your life, past and present, and reacquaint yourself with making fun a joy and a priority.
4) Begin it. Whatever you decide to do, begin it. Even if you're not sure what you should be doing with your life, take baby steps, today, in any direction that may possibly resonate with you. Do something. Anything is better than nothing. Move. Take action. Be the spark. Just do what you can. Weave new steps and thoughts into your workdays and throughout your weekends, and inch forward however possible. Be gentle on yourself, forgiving and compassionate, and don't expect overnight enlightenment. It will come, and it will light your way; that's inescapable. And you can accelerate its arrival by simply busying yourself in each moment, addressing what's before you and simply expecting it soon rather than later.

From the book Infinite Possibilities 
by Mike Dooley

Photo by PETRA VAN RAAIJ  via One League Artists


  1. Love this . . . perfect timing! Brenda xoxo

  2. So glad you enjoyed Brenda!....and thank you for stopping by! xoxo

  3. This sounds like such an amazing, positive book, thanks for sharing Connnie!


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .
Follow your heart


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