Thursday, June 2, 2011

How 'bout a hug? . . . .

(Due to a pesky little gremlin in my internet service this morning, I am reposting an earlier entry.)

Have a wonderful day!

The New York Times has reported that in the United States "the hug has become the favorite social greeting when teenagers meet or part these days." I'm smiling just thinking about that! I'm a hugger, so that just warms my heart to know that hugs are on the rise. Most humans enjoy contact, although I do know that it is very uncomfortable for some. A hug can be the ultimate sign of trust, so some like to reserve hugging for family, friends or lovers. By hugging someone, you remind them that you care about them and support them. Personally, I think it is a wonderful way to express affection. I do, however, pay close attention to the receiver's responsiveness. It only takes a second to determine if they are receptive to hugging or not. I believe you don't have to smother them, but giving someone a meaningful squeeze shows that you appreciate them, and can help foster closer relationships.

"A hug is a handshake from the heart."
-Author unknown


  1. When I came out of the post office the other day, a nice looking teen- age boy was standing with some friends and said, "I'm giving out free hugs today. Would you like one?" I'm a cautious person, but ours is a friendly town and there were many people on the sidewalk, so I said, "Sure!" I'll tell you, the hug was quick, the connection was real, and the moment was sweet. The kids seemed delighted at people's responses and it really brightened my day!
    What a great post! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I love that Judy! Kudo's to that guy! I had the same thing happen to me in Union Square in New York, and the guy was wearing the biggest smile. He was there because he wanted to be, and was expecting nothing in return. You gotta love it! : )

    xo, Connie


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . . .
Follow your heart


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